Zhongshan Majeax Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. - Ceiling Lamp, Downlights
Zhongshan Majeax Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.
Hauptprodukte:Decken leuchte, Down lights, Wand leuchten, Kronleuchter & Pendel leuchten, Garten leuchten

Majeax Lighting is the leading manufacturer of quality lighting products, we offer comprehensive range of stylish recessed, pendant, wall mounted, ceiling mounted lighting products, We are especially well known as the biggest and best manufacturer for gypsum lighting with our extensive range of designs, superior quality and reliable and responsible performance on customer service. Since 2008, Majeax's keeping rapid growing is also owes to our continuously development efforts on using different material, new designs and new technology, like new material with combination of gypsum, die-casting aluminum and plastic, new innovation of concrete series etc. Also, with the fast growing of LED technology, our product lines have evolved to precision LED luminaire as well and have a well deserved reputation for quality and innovation. Now Majeax is not only extensively absorbing the advanced management experience and personnel to ensure that company's stability and healthy growth in the process of expansion,but also introducing of new ideas and advanced technology from worldwide to maintain our competitiveness in the overseas market.
Material warehouse
Assembly shop
Shipping warehouse
Zhongshan, Guangdong
Year Established:
Founded in 2008
Main Products:
Gypsum/Aluminum lamp
Business Type:
Custom manufacturer
Main Markets:
Any market in the world
Total Annual Revenue:
Online revenue $420,000+
Total Employees:
300 business + teams
Site area:
1.4W ㎡ of factory